The Horse Hospital is situated on a cobbled street, the front doorway is 95cm wide and has a step of approximately 10.5 cm high (at its largest point) to get inside.
Once inside a 134cm wide cobbled ramp (originally designed for horses) with 12 rubber ridges spaced approximately 50cm apart and one 90 degree corner (pictured), leads you down into the basement.
Once in the basement the toilet can be accessed through the door in the back right corner of the room. The doors to the toilet are 85cm and 70cm wide. There is one step down to the toilet which is 14cm high (at its largest point). Once in the toilet the room is approximately 1m wide and there are two handles on the walls on either side of the toilet.
Nearest Tube Station
The closest tube station is Russell Square (Piccadilly Line) which is one street over from The Horse Hospital on Bernard St.
Nearest Tube Station: Step-Free
The closest tube station with step-free access is Kings Cross (Victoria line, Piccadilly line, Northern line, Metropolitan line, Hammersmith and City line) which is 0.6 miles from The Horse Hospital. The number 91 bus takes you from Kings Cross (Stop A on Euston Road) to The Horse Hospital (Stop J on Woburn Place) in under 10 minutes.
Other bus routes to us include: 7, 59, 68, 91, 168, 188
Directions App Citymapper provides great local directions including step-free specific journeys.
Available on Google Play:
and Apple App Store:
Guests with accessible needs are entitled to a free ticket for a personal assistant/carer who accompanies them. Please contact us to arrange this.
ID: Ruler shows that the front step is 10.5cm high at its highest point.
ID: Front door opens to reveal the entry-way and ramp.
ID: The Horse Hospital front door - a large dark red wooden door with a small concrete step, vertical letterbox and doorbell
ID: Image of the ramp shows a gentle cobbled ramp with handrail and 7 rubber ridges before a right turn at the end.