What did you eat today?




Rose Lowder in Person at;

Film screening benefit for Resonance 104.4fm

"What did you eat today? Rose Lowder" 2008 60 minutes digital. The latest in an ongoing series of film portraits by William English and Sandra Cross. Here, filmmaker Rose Lowder prepares a macrobiotic meal in her tiny flat in Paris in October 2005. As Rose describes what she is cooking and why, we hear about Rose's childhood spent in Peru through to her current life in Avignon and glimpse a singular creator.

Plus two rarely screened films by Rose Lowder (16mm projection by David Leister).

Rose Lowder, leading avant-garde filmmaker, recently screened two programmes of films at Tate Modern http://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-modern/eventseries/under-sun-films-rose-lowder and subsequently guested on Wavelength; Resonance 104.4.

Rose Lowder will attend the screening at the Horse Hospital for a Q and A hosted by Anat Pick, senior lecturer in Film at Queen Mary University of London. Filmmakers Sandra Cross and William English will also attend. http://sandracross.org www.williamenglish.com
