Thursday 27th AugustDoors 7.30pm
Tickets £5 on the door
AXXONN is a two-piece band based in Brisbane, Australia consisting of Tom Hall 9solo sound artist, Secret Birds) and Ian Rogers (Iron On, No Anchor). With influences spanning the likes of M83, Fuck Buttons, Ratatat, No Age, Sunn O))), Tim Hecker and Mstrkrft, AXXONN create unique sounds that fuses the best of IDM, pop, metal, noise and ambient.
In 2008, disheartened with the local music scene, Tom Hall started to curate shows around Brisbane that merged the city's blossoming experimental music community with receptive rock, pop and metal bands. As part of these cross-over events Hall booked Ian's band doom-metalers No Anchor and the two were surprised to find they shared many of the same ideas about music. Together they embarked on their dream project: a streamlined, portable electronic outfit that performed, recorded and toured like a rock band. On first hearing AXXONN, Lloyd Barret described them as 'like Eno mixing Sunn O))).' Hail! Hail!
The band's current release is 'Masters of The Epic Day' - a tour EP to celebrate the band's July/August 2009 UK/European Tour. Featuring two new AXXONN songs (and two newies from Tom and Ian's respective solo projects), 'Masters of The Epic Day' is the band's most refined and polished work to date.
Pseudo Nippon crafts his sound out of little toy keyboards and a little vibraphone to create something so full of joy, that it could only come from a distant universe. A sound full of space and cosmic vibrato, and a live show that is harder, faster and so packed with energy that fans exclaim "my head much fun!".
+ Support from: POWER UP
Power Up