Put on your socks, comb your locks, and get down to The Horse Hospital for:An Inverted Xmas
Thursday 20th December 2007, 8 till Late
Entrance: Free with a Festive Edible Delicacy
Dress: Bring a Beard
We Present For Your Delight
Playing Live in the Music Stable
Santa's Little Helpers -
DJ Baron Bromide
& The Notarious Big Daddy Dave
Free Yuletide Manger
Orlando's Poker Sleighs - Laden with Treasure
On The Screen
The Horse Hospital Xmas TV Special - inverted by the Ragemeister
+ Win Presents Galore in our Xmas Raffle
All washed down with lashings of Xmas Horse Hospitality
You can download the invite HERE, pass it on the more the merrier!