Jeremy Reed & The Ginger Light

Doors 7:30 £5 on the door + Special guest Jake Arnott and also featuring electro acoustic harpist Maria- Christina

The Ginger Light is a unique collaboration between poet and novelist Jeremy Reed and musician Itchy Ear. Together they create a performance dynamic unparalleled in British poetry and an excitement usually only generated by pop. Jeremy Reed has been called by JG Ballard 'the most gifted poet working today', and has published more than 40 books of award-winning poetry and fiction, the most recent being 'This is how you disappear' (2007), West End Survival Kit (2009) and Bona Drag (2009). Of his recent novel The Grid (2008), Pete Doherty wrote, 'Jeremy Reed is a legend. What more can you fucking ask?'

Jeremy's latest book 'Piccadilly Bongo' which includes a CD of Soho songs by Marc Almond is out now on Enitharmon Press.
