From Fear to Sanity - CND and the art of protest from 1958-1963
As part of CND's 50th anniversaryThe Chamber of Pop Culture is proud to present: From Fear to Sanity
Exhibition: Saturday 9th August - Saturday 30th August
12-6pm Mon-Sat
Private View: Friday 8th August 6.30pm
In association with CND, the exhibition aims to focus on the importance of the visual language in the early years of CND activity and the founding and propagation of its distinctive graphic aesthetic. Through rare, original photographs (many of which have never been seen), film, artwork, posters, leaflets and documentation dating from its inception 50 years ago. From Fear to Sanity is a celebration of CND's essential legacy, as pertinent now as ever, if not more.
Much of the unique body of work on display captures the mood and inherent fear surrounding the abstraction that was the nuclear bomb. The exhibition also acts as a testament to the time and the spirit of those 5000 ordinary people who assembled in Trafalgar Square on that cold wet Good Friday in 1958, before setting out on their momentous four day, 50 mile march, to the Aldermaston Nuclear Bomb plant. Here this strong gathering of men, women and children peacefully protested against the
manufacture, testing and employment, of the most terrifying weapon ever created by man.
Includes work by Gerald Holtom, Henrion, Ian McCaren, Briggs and McCaren, Poster Press, Robin Flor, Quaylestone and APA studios.
Tuesday 12th August
7:30 pm FREE
The early years of CND
Kate Hudson - Chair CND
Ernest Rodker - Peace activist since 1958
+ others TBC in conversation
Friday 15th August
7:30 pm £5
The March To Aldermaston
Produced by Lindsay Anderson, Karel Reisz, Chris Menges & Derrick Knight
Narrator: Richard Burton
1959, 33 min, black & white
The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament's 1958 march from Trafalgar Square to the Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Research Establishment.
Trinity & Beyond
Director/producer Peter Kuran
Narrated by William Shatner
1996, 92 mins
The Ultimate Film about Weapons of Mass Destruction!
Thursday 21st August
7:30 pm £5
The Atomic Cafe
Directors/ Jayne Loader and Kevin Rafferty
1982, 86 min
Disturbing collection of 1940s and 1950s United States government issued propaganda films
designed to reassure Americans that the atomic bomb was not a threat to their safety.
The March To Aldermaston
1959, 33 min, black & white
Thursday 28th August
7:30 pm £5
On The Beach
Dir. Stanley Kramer
1959, 134mins
Gregory Peck , Ava Gardner , Fred Astaire and Anthony Perkins
The residents of Australia after a global nuclear war must come to terms with the fact that all life will be destroyed in a matter of months.
The March To Aldermaston
1959, 33 min, black & white
With the kind contribution of
CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament)
Getty Images Hulton Archive Collection
Ernest Rodker - peace activist since 1958
The Peace Museum
University of Bradford
LSE (London School of Economics)
Contemporary Films Ltd
The Cartoon Museum