Join Orlando in celebrating the publication of Issue 03: BEYOND THE BODY
Image: Alix Marie, Octopus Series
How do we transform ourselves, lose ourselves, or how are we kept back, limited, or marginalised: both because of and in spite of our bodies? How do we endure, how do we escape?
Join Orlando in celebrating the publication of Issue 03: BEYOND THE BODY. The magazine proposes a line of questioning about limits and possibilities, of restriction and release, enquiring through what means—or, indeed, by any means necessary—we might be able to move beyond our bodies. There are no certain answers, no concrete resolutions. Working within the margins of fluidity and empathetic evolution, Orlando eschews all binaries, resisting the violence of rigid, stigmatising politics in favour of the radical and united body. By expanding on ideas of corporeality and embodiment, and across 108 pages, the 33 writers, artists, and poets in the issue explore the divergent and manifold modes we might employ in order to come outside of ourselves, to become not bodies, but something else.
Running from 7:00 to 10:30pm at the Horse Hospital, the evening will include readings from Aimee Bea Ballinger, Octavia Bright, and Hatty Nestor; films from Bryony Gillard, Sophie Hoyle, Sade Mica, and Josie Rae Turnbull, an audio intervention from Jennifer Boyd, and performances from Rebecca Jagoe, Rosa Johan Uddoh, and Josh Leon, with music and a live DJ set from Gabi.
Horse Hospital will be running the bar. The event is ticketed and includes a free copy of the magazine. All ticket sales act as funds to pay back the cost of printing fees. Orlando is a non-profit entity—with no corporate backing, advertising, or sponsorship—relying on event such as this in order to remain independent. Please book in advance, otherwise it will be more on the door.
Orlando 03 is edited by Philomena Epps, with contributions from Olivia Aherne, Liz Barr, Aimee Bea Ballinger, Gabriella Beckhurst, Jennifer Boyd, Octavia Bright, Leah Clements, Michel Delsol, Flora Dunster, Bryony Gillard, Celia Graham-Dixon, Georgia Haire, Frances Hatherley, Rosie Haward, Johanna Hedva, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Sophie Hoyle, Rebecca Jagoe, Rosa Johan Uddoh, Josh Leon, Hannah Levene, Alix Marie, Sadé Mica, Hatty Nestor, Tausif Noor, Florence Peake, Amy Pettifer, Ari Potter, Nisha Ramayya, Eve Stainton, Ella Sweeney, Josie Rae Turnbull, and Belinda Zhawi, and also featuring the work of Amy Bell, Deborah Bright, Marlene Dumas, Del LaGrace Volcano, Agnes Richter, Bunny Rogers, Vittorio Scarpati, Jo Spence, John Stezaker, and David Wojnarowicz.