Booking is essential
Scott King is joined in conversation by longtime friend and collaborator Jeremy Deller for a special event marking the final week of King’s solo exhibition Welcome to Saxnot at Studio Voltaire.
In Welcome To Saxnot, King proposes the new town of Saxnot as an invention of the fictional, Butlin’s inspired brand ‘Britlin’s’. Saxnot is built on an idealised memory of ‘how things used to be’. King has conjured up a fantasy of Britain’s past, taking the holiday camp as a template for a model society: implanting the ethos, planning, regimentation and fun of 1970s Butlin’s and from it building a model for a New Britain.
Presenting archival footage, images and recordings, King and Deller will consider the dichotomies of the seemingly utopian 1970s holiday camps, in contrast to the socio-political realities of its hey-day.