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Lost in Transmission - Talk & Discussion


7pm - 10.30pm

Admission £10 advance / £8 concs

As part of the exhibition Lunar Futurism and the 17th Polish Film Festival Kinoteka we are pleased to present an evening of readings, photos, recordings and recollections with with Grażyna Dyląg, Andrzej Jaroszewicz, Adam Żuławski & Daniel Bird.

Who was Jerzy Żuławski? How did he come to write ‘the lunar trilogy’ upon which On the Silver Globe is based? What was it like being directed by Andrzej Żuławski? How was an expansive sci-fi world fashioned on a shoe-string budget? Why was the film shut down? How was it resurrected? Why, after more than forty years, is On the Silver Globe finding its audience?

 Through readings, photos, recordings and recollections, the strange saga of On the Silver Globe is reconstructed, with the help of actor Grażyna Dyląg (Ihezal), cinematographer Andrzej Jaroszewicz, writer Adam Żuławski (Jerzy Żuławski’s grandson) and Daniel Bird (co-curator of the exhibition, co-producer of the restoration and co-author of the English subtitles with Andrzej Żuławski.


In addition to On the Silver Globe, Grażyna Dyląg acted in Andrzej Żuławski’s film about the dying days of Chopin’s romance with George Sand, La Note bleue (1991).

Andrzej Jaroszewicz collaborated with Andrzej Żuławski as camera operator and cinematographer on Diabeł, L’Important c’est d’aimer, Possession, Boris Godunov, La Note Bleue and Szamanka. He has recently filmed Mowa ptaków (Bird Talk), directed by Xawery Żuławski based on a screenplay by Andrzej Żuławski. 

Adam Żuławski, the grand son of author Jerzy Żuławski, son of painter Marek Żuławski (whose book jackets for the ‘lunar trilogy’ are part of this exhibition), is a writer and an editor for 

Between 2003 and 2016 Daniel Bird worked with Andrzej Żuławski on adapting subtitles into English, editing screenplays (Tiger), developing projects (Dark Matter) and co-producing restorations, including On the Silver Globe.

Aleksandra Wiśniewska is a dressmaker, art director and science fiction enthusiast based in Warsaw.

This talk is part of Lunar Futurism an exhibition featuring some of the rare surviving remnants from Andrzej Żuławski’s notorious science fiction masterpiece On Silver Globe (1988).

Curated by Daniel Bird, Aleksandra Wiśniewska & The Horse Hospital, in association with Fixafilm and Kinoteka Polish Film Festival.

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