Saturday 17th May 8pm £5-£4 mems/concs May, month of revolution and soft mellow fruitfulness... here at Flixation central we have been busy planning an ocular orgasm of films, performance, music and high jinks to amaze and alarm you. Presenting that Dr of gab Duncan Reekie, films from Hector Pascales, Grace Connor, Jon Storey, Caroline Kennedy and many many more. Disc spinning by that sticky Tar Baby + special guests, Slides and decor from those lovable scamps the light Urchins and to celebrate 40 years since the Paris uprisings.....our May Meat Raffle! So gather yourselves comrades & join us at the horse Hospital If you have any work you'd like to show or a performance you'd like to do - contact Clive on 07966201826 or email