Weds 24th OctoberDoors 7:00pm
On this month:
Exhibit A
85 mins
Director: Dom Rotheroe
Exhibit A is the videotape of evidence captured on a young girls new camcorder, which reveals snippets of the family's last few weeks leading up to "the incident". We are first introduced to this suburban family as the girl is offered her camcorder. From here on we accompany this seemingly normal family through a series of birthdays, barbecues and gatherings that gradually points us in a much darker direction.
Director Rotheroe puts the family unit on trial. The family's inability to communicate, listen or even care for each other's individual desires and ambitions is played up against the family's financial and circumstantial problems that effect each and every family member. As the tension increases and relationships crumble it becomes increasingly difficult not to symapthise with all involved, for how on earth will things be resolved?.
Winner of the Best UK Feature Award at the 15th Raindance Film Festival
Check out the website for more info.
Please note, the doors open at 7pm, screenings start when the venue is full. If you come late, you may have to stand. Film Club is first come, first serve so there's no need to RSVP.
Remember the rules of Film Club:
1) Great Films
2) Free Admission
3) Free Beer!
You won't find a cheaper date in this city...
For more information ring us on 020 7287 3833.
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Earlier Event: 20 October
The Horse Hospital at St Georges Gardens
Later Event: 26 October