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Doors 7:30 £5

UnicaZürn are Stephen Thrower (Cyclobe; Coil) & David Knight (Shock Headed Peters; Danielle Dax; Lydia Lunch Group). Both are also members of the improvisation group The Amal Gamal Ensemble.

UnicaZürn’s core musical instrumentation is heavily processed electric guitar, clarinet and saxophone. Knight is reknowned for his pulverising fretwork in Shock Headed Peters and his ambient guitar treatments in Arkkon; Thrower’s reed playing provided abrasive melancholy in Coil and electro-acoustic texture in Cyclobe. To this arrangement, UnicaZürn add copious analogue synthesiser, mellotron and piano, with influences echoing back through atonal Tangerine Dream to the early days of Roxy Music. Their deeply immersive music hovers at the brink of abstraction yet retains an emotional sweep and grandeur, conjuring fantastical coastlines and subterranean narratives in the mind’s eye.

" Jacques Cousteau meets HP Lovecraft twenty thousand leagues under the sea." - FREQ Magazine

"Temporal Bends is exactly the sort of music that I would expect to hear if I was rapidly losing consciousness in a pool of my own blood aboard a haunted submarine (a compliment I rarely give).  An impressively ambitious, harrowing, and complex album." - Brainwashed