31st May 7.30pm
in conjunction with
Kathe writes :
I am a conceptual artist that utilizes performance and installation. My interest is the border between everyday relationships and theater/ art. I call myself the Love Artist. Usually I build small houses, forts, or lounges inside of galleries and museums, as well as hotel and theater lobbies and department stores. The audience makes appointments with me for anywhere from 15 - 90 minutes and I "love" them as performance art. I often live in the space, sometimes without leaving for up to 2 weeks at a time. I profess to truly love my audience or love patrons, although this is always a heated debate -- therefore it is "real" and not theater, and yet the whole experience is at once theatrical and highly intimate. Although there are always sexual insinuations that come from the term Love Artist, the work is fairly innocent yet quite intense. I have "performed" all over the states and Europe over the last 5 years and the response has been moving. I am currently deep in a memoir about these experiences.
I would start the lecture by discussing the boundry between art & life and give a brief description of conceptual art, participatory art, installation art and their connections to experimental theater. I have a slide show (or Power Point) presentation of my installations as well as portraits of a variety of of my love patrons. I also include some examples of other artists doing similar work, both now & historically. I read some excerpts from my book, although I do like to leave enough time for discussion and questions . . . there will be a lot, and it is really through the questions that things become clear. The more I think about it, the more I realize there is nothing more artistic than to love others. Vincent Van Gogh www.trueloveproject.com www.mettaartlove.com www.publicloveproject.com www.besomething.org