A coded history of alphabets and communicationArtist Paul Flack
With film & performance by Annie Machon
Exhibition runs from Mon 6th August - Saturday 11th August 2007
Private view Mon 6th August 6.30 - 9pm
Friday 10th August, An evening of film and performance doors 8.30
£7/£5 members & concessions
Kate Shortt is a cellist/singer songwriter and comedienne.
She will delight you with her musical chutzpah, heightened reality
and abstract spontaneity at the cello! She will also musically caress you
at the piano with items from her latest album 'Something To Tell You'
not to be missed.
Inspired by the complex evolution of alphabets, words and symbols sculptor Paul Flack has been interested in language and its meaning for many years. Cryptic meaning suffuses his work, which is a blend of words and symbols from many different cultures. Hieroglyphs and runes jostle for space with modern alphabets and binary code on painted canvasses, stone carvings and sculptures. The outcome is a fluid mixture of man-made meaning and universal, geometric shapes.
Paul's collaboration with Annie Machon - a leading activist of the 9/11 Truth Campaign and former MI5 intelligence officer - has enabled him to take his understanding of codes, censorship and the secretive side of language to a new level.
"We live in an age of spoon-fed information and extreme censorship. I want people to think about the origins of language and how it binds cultures together, as opposed to separating them" Paul Flack
"It's a cliche, but you really shouldn't believe everything you read. History is written by the victorious and today's ruling elite is certainly no less ruthless in its approach to secrecy and censorship." Annie Machon
"If this sounds a bit controversial, all the better. Some alternative views of recent events are encoded into the work, and if you look hard enough you will find them."
"Of course, what you do with the information is up to you," Paul Flack
Images and additional information can be obtained from Paul Flack
Email paul.flack@phonecoop.coop
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Earlier Event: 22 July
Later Event: 21 August
The London International Animation Festival