Research seminar with Professor Kathleen Gallagher (University of Toronto)
photo: Aleksander Antonijevic
Doors Open 6pm
This ‘teach out’ event is being held as part of the University & College Union strike currently taking place across much of UK higher education.
A collaboration between academics at King’s College London and Professor Kathleen Gallagher (University of Toronto), we will be discussing the experiences of young people in different countries around the world. We will ask questions including: how do young people’s hopes vary from one political context to another? What does it mean for young people to have ‘voice’? And what is the potential role of art in fostering intergenerational solidarity?
Kathleen will present material from 10 years of global ethnographic research, most specifically on findings and ideas from a five-year study titled Youth, Theatre, Radical Hope and the Ethical Imaginary - which engaged with over 250 young people in Toronto (Canada), Tainan (Taiwan), Lucknow (India), Coventry (England) and Athens (Greece). Working collaboratively with youth, artists, teachers and social workers, the researchers wished to understand young people’s concerns and their desires, and how they are enacting radical hope as a practice of the everyday.
The research seizes upon the power that theatre affords young people in communicating with each other and with an adult world often ill-equipped to hear them. Using theatre methodologically, the project takes seriously the imaginative powers of young people and advances researchers’ capacities to hear what young people are telling us about the effects of growing social polarization, income inequality, and environmental degradation. The presentation will conclude with the screening of a 20-minute documentary film about this research.
We will then have an open discussion - exploring the connections between Kathleen’sresearch, the UCU strikes, and their wider political contexts.
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