Image courtesy of Tim Noble 2015

Doors 7:30pm £7 advance (click here) £9 on the door

Outskirted poetry and sound from MacGillivray and Special Guest Damian Le Bas

Damian Le Bas is a poet from the south coast of England. He is a native Romany speaker and editor of Travellers' Times, a magazine for Gypsies and Travellers. He read Theology at St John's College, Oxford, and lives in a Buccaneer trailer outside Worthing.

MACGILLIVRAY has walked in a straight line with a dead wolf on her shoulders through the back streets of Vegas into the Nevada desert, eaten broken chandelier glass in a derelict East Berlin shopping mall, head-banged in gold medieval stocks in Birmingham allotments, burnt on a sun bed wearing conquistador armour in Edinburgh’s underground city, breast-fed a Highland swan in Oxford and regurgitated red roses in Greenland. She remains the clan chief.
