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Cancelled - Bright Old Things

Unfortunately this event has been cancelled - A special evening featuring the talents of six legendary Bohemian creators…all being on the wrong (or perhaps right?) side of 40...

Doors: 7pm

Tickets: £5

A special evening featuring the talents of six legendary Bohemian creators…all being on the wrong (or perhaps right?) side of 40...

These creators will bring you a projected presentation, guiding you through the enthralling world of their works.

After which will be an impromptu performance by The Bright Old Things Orchestra

Listed in Ordobetical Alpha:


Her highly skilled and expressive paintings have ranged from the gloriously grotesque to the elegantly pictorial, adorning a range of surfaces from vintage ceramics to public mural art via record cover illustration and on canvases great and small…

Ella Guru

Has brought yours…and her own…strangest dreams to canvas in her richly deviant and esoteric style for many full moons. From whitewashed gallery walls to secret~panelled Bohemian castles, her vibrant art has added its own sacred profanity to many an environ.

Her distinctive Hagstrom guitar has played many a tune in many bands, among them The Voodoo Queens, The Deptford Beach Babes and The Tropics Of Cancer.

“You’re Weird!” (Quentin Crisp)

Oliver Harrison

From punkussive baptism of rapid drumfire with Class Of 77’s Satan’s Rats to movie screenings at Tate Modern via Barbican and The ICA, Mr Harrison has excelled in rhythmic technique followed by his own graphic~led wizardry genre of filmmaking, garnering the plaudits of David Puttnam and Time Out with an array of Film Festival awards.

Puss Johnson

The latest in a noble tradition of Catwomen, Puss Johnson’s “Cult Art for Bad Cats” blends an illustrative and graphic style with elements of Punk Rock n’ Roll, Cult TV and B Movies with an eco~conscious production ethos. T-shirts, human cat collars and patches that can be seen (and possibly heard) as extensions of her ferociously adept vocalisations with Pussycat and The Dirty Johnsons.


From the multicoloured primal nightmares of our forgotten childhood comes the glamorous grotesqueries of Monsterlune…gliding along the catwalks of crazed couture and sliding down (and perhaps up!) the gallery walls of London, Paris and beyond...

JF Whitney

Your host’s short films have screened in many capital cities, from London’s first ever cinema to projections on the Berlin Wall via Nelson’s Column…

Has also performed music worldwide on a variety of instruments in a wide variety of bands while appearing on over 70 record releases…

All the while creating many artworks in a range of none~too~strict disciplines!

"Fucking Brilliant!" John Cooper Clarke

"This is sooo cuuute!" Eartha Kitt

"What a fine mutilation!" Jello Biafra

A selection of bright old and new things by The Bright Old Things will be available for purchase at this event.