Kelly Bonneville brings the Paris-born Proêmes Reading Club away from its home at the magical Librairie 1909 for a special session exploring the New Romantics…
[ID: black and white photo of a group of young people are gathered in front of a bar called BLITZ]
Doors: 7pm (talks begin at 7.30pm)
Tickets: £7 via the link below and on the door
Proêmes Reading Club was born out of a chance collaboration between customers of Kelly Bonneville’s Paris bookshop, Librairie 1909, with the wish to bring people together to explore their shared passion for countercultures past and present. This special iteration will focus on The New Romantics, with special guest speakers and more to be announced...
[ID: black numbers, ‘1909’, against a white backdrop.]
[ID: white serif font text against a black backdrop. Reads: ‘Proemes Reading Club’]