Nick Abrahams – Lions and Tigers and Bears EP

Nick Abrahams – Lions and Tigers and Bears EP


Nick Abrahams is a London based filmmaker and director who has collaborated with many notable musicians and artists. Lions and Tigers and Bears is the continuation of a project Abrahams started in the short he made for Sigur Ros to accompany their ‘Ekki Much’ track. The EP features an intimate meditative soundscape of creatures and environment from the short.

Lions and Tigers and Bears was released alongside an exhibition at the Horse Hospital consisting of photographs, installation pieces and artworks all rooted in the wonder of the British countryside.

The single includes three key recordings of a snail, a fox, and a tree. The fourth recording, of the voice of Abraham’s muse Shirley Collins, ties the previous three recordings together with prose written by Nick Abrahams, guiding us through his world of fairytales.

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The single include 3 key recordings – that of a snail eating, a fox sleeping, and sounds recorded around a tree. The sounds evoke mysterious worlds – the tree is the Martyrs tree in Tolpuddle, under whose branches the first trade union in England met in 1834, to fight for better pay and working conditions… the snail is heard eating, amplified to a level which we can hear and sounding something like a chainsaw – what else would we hear if we could listen closely enough ? And a sleeping fox…. what does a fox dream about ?

A fourth recording of the voice of Shirley Collins, the seminal folk singer, ties these 3 recordings together, as she reads a prose poem by Nick Abrahams, leaving us in the world of fairytales.

The single is the continuation of a project Nick started in the short film he made for Sigur Ros to accompany their track ‘Ekki Mukk’.